Hammy the Hamster(=

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mini Game!

Finally I have finished my mini flash game ; after re-starting 4 times it is complete! Every time I would re-start my carrot wouldn't move, or something went wrong. Nobody could figure out what the problem was, everything was even coded right! Finally I had to copy Amy's code into mine, and by miracle it worked! Now it is uploaded and ready to play on my wiki, try it out. (=

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Audience post

- When the first teller of Beowulf prepared to share the tale, what assumptions do you think he (or she) made about the purpose of the story?

I believe the first story teller shared this story becuase he or she was inspired by Beowulf. I also believe he or she wanted to pass the story down, becuase the hero was so inspirational to them.

- How do you think the storyteller's beliefs about the intended audience--men gathered in mead halls--affect the content of the story?

Men in the mead hall was the intended audience for the story. So in this case the story teller probably exaggerated the story into being more fierce, and more of a challange. It kind of reminds me of a bunch of guys hanging out at a bar telling stories and exaggerating them, to make them look more tough.

- How do you think YOUR beliefs about your video games' intended audience (you will need to determine who your audience is) will affect the development and final version of your game? Think of age appropriateness, learning goals, types of characters, etc.

I want my game to be appealing to all ages. I don't want it to be just educational, but fun too! It may be a challenge to make a game for all ages, but I'm up for it. I want to have characteristics that will catch the attention of the young and also teenagers, I may do this by adding bright colors and small challanges.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So . I . Like . To. Creep. yeaa haha


To me, this is the perfect image of how I portrayed Beowulf 's appearence to be by what I have read. A very tall warrior looking character, with strong muscles, and well equiped. Ready for any battle he may need to take on.

I think Beowulf meets the requirements of a hero becuase he is a beast like figure, who people look up too. I also believe a hero is someone you depend on, and Beowulf is just that.

I contemplated back and forth on whether or not i thought Beowulf would be a good character for an educational game. At first i though he wouldn't becuase he is a fighter and he has such a beastly appearence, to me this didn't seem very educational; however, I came to the conclusion I do think he would be. He is a heroic figure, and looked up to, and well depended on; if they put some education game with him on it, it may inspire kids to be like him.

A good Character in a video game, would depend on the type of game. If it was an education video game, I believe the character should be looked up to and be able to inspire people. For instance beowulf is heroic if a little boy was playing the game and Beowulf was smart on the game, it would inspire the little boy to be as smart.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quick write; Hero

In my eyes Rosa Parks is a Hero. Her story is very inspirational and is well known. She was a little black women who wanted to sit on the front of the bus, when a white man approached her and demanded she get up, she refused! Black's were to sit in the back on the bus, but she was tired of the discrimination. She went to jail for standing up for what she wanted. She not only stood up for black's but women too, I believe her story has a special place in history and she should be honored.

Playing to Learn

Playing to learn made us actually have to think about the games we were playing. We had to pick two games, one from the professional's and one from the student's; from there we had to analyze and answer questions requarding the two games we chose. I chose Free Rice, and Teen Pregnancy, becuase to me, these where the two most educational and fun games. I really liked this ''project" becuase it put a twist on just playing games. You get to play, but then you have to think more in depth of what your doing and how it's made! The elements I'll use from these two games and probably the purpose, and the educational level.