Hammy the Hamster(=

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Paper Prototyping.

PaperPrototyping was farely easy; even though I had to draw Will, our hobo, like 700 times! We thought it out and made a page for every part and buttons. The camara part wasn't hard to do becuase I am familiar with them! Soon as Chez gets them uploaded I'll post it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Buttons really arn't as hard as I thought they were going to be. I have been putting it off for like a week because I thought it would be really complicated. Even though my partner had to help me while doing so, we have them working! Just look for yourself on our page.(=


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chosing a Topic

On chosing a topic I chose something to do with the homeless rate or homeless people in the U.S. I want to stress how sad and unfortunate that over 500,00 people are homeless in the U.S. I wrote, "If people could really get a concept of how many homeless people there are, or they had to live in the shoes of a homeless person for one day they might be monivated to do something about the issue. I think the Government needs a big eye opener also, they are so busy worrying about whats going on in other countries, it seems like they are completely oblivious to what is going on here! They are building communities and homes in Afganistan, while people here need food,water, and shelter; shouldn't your homeland come first? If people would care and raise money and donate we could get these people what they need. I can never pass a person on the street who needs money, wheather it's a scam or not, they probably need it more than I do; I always think that that two dollars could be there meal for that day! I also think that a rehabilitation center just for homeless people is a great idea; this would give them shelter and food,while working on getting them on there feet and getting jobs! There is hope, people just have to care. (= "

Playing to Learn

On Playing to learn for the professional game I chose Free Rice, becuase it was fun and educational. Free Rice also made you feel like you were playing for a purpose, Haiti. For the Student game I chose Teen Pregnancy. I chose teen pregnancy becuase I feel like it is very informative, and some people may be suprised by some things it teaches! I feel like improvment for Free Rice could be a broader vocabulary, and the game could be longer. An improvment for Teen Pregnancy is I think they should put you in more difficult situations.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Old games,New games.Hero's.

Hero's are hero's; whether they are from old tales or now. I believe all hero's share common characteristics.One thing I believe that sets today's hero's apart from older hero's is, older hero's have either or both strength or powers as today's hero's mainly demonstrate confidence and courage. I believe stories with hero's in them like Beowulf, Gilgamesh, Illiad, or even Hercules are passed down from centuries to decades becuase they are so inpirational and show the origination of the titile ''Hero''.

In the period of the Anglo-Saxon's hero's were considered the people that fought in wars and fit the image of a heroic figure. A lot of video games are based on Hero's today. Beowulf was a hero that fought for his people, he fought mainly for honor; there is actually a video game out now from this. The game Donkey Kong reminds me of the old tale of Illiad. Illiad was a powerful man that is invincible but being hit anywhere but in the ancles. Im relating these two becuase Donkey Kong goes up against ''bosses'' , these bosses ase invinble unless they are hit in a certain place. For instance the Bee is invincible unless you hit him directly in the horn 5 times, or the Bird in the head 4 times. Illiad fought off trogans to avenge his friend. Donkey Kong fought off alligaters, muscle dogs, and other things to avenge his friend.

Although hero's may be fighting for the same purpose or share the same characteristics, they are all different in some way. A lot of the differences vale on what time era they are from. There will always be stories of great hero's, and they will continue to be passed down.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Canterbury Tales-Prologue

On this blog I will answer a few questions about the Prologue of
The Canterbury Tales.

Why did Chaucer select the specific stereotypes or characters that he did?

I believe that Chaucer selects the specific sterotypes or characters becuase it gives the story more excitement. Everyone has their role, and by breaking them up into stereotypes it makes the story more relatable. Instead of just imagining it, you can put yourself in the place of a specific character; this could make the story more enjoyable.

What importance did they play to that particular society?

Everyone has there own role. It is an older time, and a different setting, but much similar to ours here and today. It is important becuase how would our society be without the "jocks", or the "emo's", or even the "popular" kids? ( I don't really like using stereotypes) There would be like a whole group of characters missing.

Do you believe that this is an honest depiction of the time and the people?

Honestly, yes I do, becuase as I was reading I could actually picture the characters and setting in my head. I could see the Nun cursing, and the merchant boasting. I like the fact that it is just a bunch of different people thrown together becuase they all are making a pilgrimage to the church. We havn't really started reading the story yet, but it will be amusing to see the different roles and personalities thrown together.

When developing your own games, how important is the development of your characters to your games purpose?

I believe it is very important. Without a main character, or characters that stick out , the game may seem pointless. Our game is Hobo Travels, Will is the hobo, and main character, without Will the game would be pointless; see what I mean?
Is characterization only important in book or movie story lines or is there in fact an under current of plot to the gaming world?

I believe it is important in the gaming world too. Whether it is in our game Hobo Travels or any other. You could be playing a game where you have to destroy the villian to get to your princess, or prize, in this case there will have to be main roles. The villian's character will matter along with the one on the mission and the princess too!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Imagine your game

I am partners with Chris Duncan and we have our game all planned out! We have done several revisions and have had to alter some stuff, like the number of locations, the obstacles, and enemies, but I believe we are on the right track!
Our game is going to be called Hobo Travel's. Will is the hobo and you will choose a city of three and try to make him survive day to day. Along the way you will need to collect soup cans for money, each can will be worth five dollars. You will have to face obstacles like mean kids throwing stuff, dogs, and just trying to eat or sleep!
If you survive a level ( a city ) you can move on to the next, after you have played and won all three cities Will will no longer be homeless! However, if you lose a level you will have to try again! I really like the idea of our game! I hope for it to be informative, yet fun and challanging.